SPOILERS! If you haven't finished the series don't read anymore!!!

When I write my characters they already have insanely detailed descriptions in my head, before I have even typed one sentence. They come to life as real people for me. 

What characters have come to life, as "real people" to you? Characters that are so vivid in your mind that you are sure they are in the next room. 

In my writing I have learned that world building is important, dialogue is key, but characterization of your people is the thing that will make people fall in love or respectively hate your guts. 
It is hard to find the line between revealing too much about a character and not enough. I want my readers to be urged to read on because they HAVE to know more, but I also want to give them enough to go on to stay satisfied. 

So my question for my blog readers (hi Mom) is:

Who is your favorite character out of ALL of the books you've read? 

Let me know.

buy sunglasses

You might be asking yourself what the hell is NaNoWriMo. 

Well, let me tell you.

It's National Novel Writing Month. People from all over the world participate in the challenge to get 50,000 words of a novel written in one month- that month being November. 

There are a few key terms that you should know. 

Planners: Outline. Character bubble charts. Overall organized perfection prior to writing a novel.

Panster: Aka me. Aka flying by the seat of your pants. I know how to outline, don't get me wrong. It's just that when I write my characters dictate the story. (cue crazy creepy writer music) (she hears voices, she is so weird- I'm okay with it.) 

Then there is the mash up of the two although I don't really know if they have an official title.

So my major debate right now is: I am 36k into my current work in progress (wip for short) and I am to the EXCITING part. The big bang, the climax-if you will. So my question is... do I finish my YA sci-fi thriller or do I start writing book 2 in my Thalassa series? What do you think?? 

I would love to hear from you! 

Are you a panster or a planner? 
Do you write systematically or balls to the wall? 



I recently read an article on Publisher's Weekly that talked about the agent's perspective on YA and what the next trends were going to be. As I read it, I found myself being excited and disappointed. In the one hand I can understand how it would be hard to read the current trends in submission after submission. As a reader I know when I find something I like, I look for similar books. So I can continue immersing myself in the books. So even though editors and agents may be sick of Dystopian and Paranormal, I still like these novels and elements showing up in my books. I like different twists. I read so much, so often that I love practically everything in the YA genre. So it is hard for me, because I think those two types of novels will still sale. Regardless of how many have come across in submissions. 

Maybe this is just hopeful thinking coming from a girl who has a manuscript out on submission that is in the Urban Fantasy genre. That has elements of mermaids and Greek mythology wrapped in the modern world with a nice big red bow on top. I think my novel still has commercial appeal, so seeing an article like the PW one is a kick to my ego. So, my question is: What do you think? Do you still like books with witches, vampires, mermaids, apocalypses, and dystopian societies? Or are you over it? 

Weigh in below.



When I find myself trying to describe my current work in progress to my critique partners, I get fumbled up on the words. With 'Claiming Ataris' my sister and I sat down and brainstormed for an hour just on what the log line should be. The thing that grabs you and makes you want to read. I am writing a YA sci-fi thriller you would think I would have plenty of hooks to go on... and I do. I think that is the problem. Which part is THE part that will make an agent, editor, and ultimately a book buyer want to read this book? 

I will give you an inside peek on my work via hashtags- here is what my story involves, ready?



Did I mention they have super powers? 

Ah okay good.

So now I have to go back to writing my action packed novel. It is different and new and so much fun to write. Wish me, and the characters, luck as we try to save the world. 

Do you think you  might want to read this someday? I hope so

